
Helping out on the farm

Tags: Community 

With values routed in helping the wider community, staff at Silvey Fleet were more than happy to give up their time to volunteer and help out at charitable organisations in Bristol.

Having been forced to cancel last year due to Covid, this year was the third time the company had dedicated a day to volunteering. Several of the Silvey Fleet team returned to Elm Tree Farm, a small working farm in Bristol, which they previously visited in 2019. The farm continues to provide support and training to adults and young people with learning disabilities and autism.

Having previously helped build foundations for a small animal shelter in 2019, this year saw the team tasked with painting a newly erected shed. They even had time to clean the wood shop as well as undertaking weeding.

“As a company, Silvey Fleet is passionate about helping the wider community,” says marketing manager Lucy Thomson. “We really look forward to our volunteering days as it’s a chance to help our community and bond away from the office – it’s certainly been a much needed opportunity this year.”

To ensure everyone at the fleet management provider could participate, Silvey Fleet signed up for a second volunteering day at Tynings Field Community Gardens. Here staff helped to build a new goose pen for rescued geese, whilst a flock of recused battery chickens inspected their work!

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