Case Study

RSK Group is a multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy operating globally to help businesses realise their own business goals.

This includes investigating ground for structural anomalies or ecological concerns, plus consulting on environmental, health and safety concerns.

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The challenge

With such a diverse range of services provided by different companies located across the UK, RSK had a fragmented approach to purchasing fuel. To be able to carry out their services the company operates many cars, vans and even drilling rigs, who all needed to travel to clients’ locations throughout the UK.

Despite such a large fleet, only 250,000 litres of fuel per year were being bought with fuel cards. Since each company within the group had made their own provisions for fuel purchasing, the divisional accountant, Andrea Maestri decided to ask several fuel card companies to tender for the group’s business. He wanted to be able to reduce the overall expenditure on fuel by capturing more volume of sales through one fuel card company across the entire group.

The solution

Following the competitive tender, Silvey Fleet became RSK Group’s fuel card partner by demonstrating how they could provide a fuel card solution that worked across the group. Rather than choosing just one fuel card network, the team at Silvey Fleet worked with the individual companies to assess their specific needs and recommended using two different types of fuel cards.

To help increase the uptake of fuel paid for via the fuel cards they issued a significant number of cards. For any vehicle that was constantly on the road and driven by multiple users, Silvey Fleet distributed a card for that vehicle with its registration. Whilst anyone within the group who drove several different vehicles, such as the consultants, were issued cards on an individual basis. This allowed them to recharge fuel regardless of whether they were driving a company vehicle or a hire car.

The benefits

This mixed approach to fuel card distribution saw an immediate saving, since RSK’s prior fuel card company had charged them per card. Silvey Fleet’s no hidden cost approach meant that as new companies were acquired their vehicles and operatives could quickly receive a fuel card to cover fuel expenditure.

A combination of proactive customer service from Silvey Fleet, coupled with the addition of subsequent new users following RSK company acquisitions, has seen the amount of fuel charged to fuel cards rise to around 1 million litres per year. Once a month Silvey Fleet sends a spreadsheet, which has been tailored to their specific reporting needs. This is shared within the group so that everyone can see fuel expenditure. It also allows the fleet manager for a specific company to easily identify if drivers are purchasing premium fuel or if people are not using the card for fuel purchases.

What do you value most?

Because of the management information sent to RSK Group, Andrea has been able to track volumes and quantify the savings being made by using Silvey Fleet. As the group is constantly acquiring new companies, it has been quick and easy to include these new additions to Silvey Fleet’s network, without incurring additional charges.

RSK’s business model relies upon moving both people and machinery, knowing that they are paying between an average of 5p below the pump prices has greatly helped reduce their own overheads.

“I feel I have had good account management from Silvey. Over the last eighteen months they have really strived to learn about our business and help me gain maximum penetration for the use of fuel cards throughout the business.”

Andrea Maestri
RSK Group

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