Case Study

Marlowe Fire & Security Group is a servicing company that carries out statutory servicing and maintenance to keep customers’ premises compliant.

Migrating all employees to one single fuel card provider, with a primary fuel card network, made a lot of sense, delivering both cost savings, and the convenience of centralised reporting.

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The challenge

The Marlowe Fire & Security Group consists of a collection of Fire and Security brands that operate within the Marlowe family. The group has rapidly expanded over the past eight years, acquiring 25 businesses since 2016, and growing from 400 to over 1,200 employees.

While the businesses often continue to run independently, the Group always explores ways to synergise where it makes sense to do so. With half of employees being field based, it operates a sizeable mixed fleet, and each business added to the portfolio arrives with its own fleet and fuel card solution. Migrating everyone to one single fuel card provider, with a primary fuel card network, made a lot of sense, delivering both cost savings, and the convenience of centralised reporting.

The solution

As one of the original fuel card providers Silvey Fleet put forward a competitive tender to secure a partnership with Marlowe Fire & Security Group and supply fuel card services to all brands within the group.

This included conducting a comprehensive review of the driving patterns of each brand and analysing routes for their employees in order to select fuel card networks that are aligned with their preferred routes.
For vehicles driven by multiple users, a card was assigned to the vehicle with its respective registration.

People who drive different vehicles were issued with individual cards allowing them to conveniently refuel regardless of the vehicle they were driving.

Marlowe Fire & Security Group also uses Silvey Fleet’s Miles Monitor solution to carry out annual driver licence checks to ensure drivers have the correct documentation in place, significantly reducing their administrative burden.

The benefits

The benefits of Silvey Fleet’s flexible approach were immediately evident in terms of fuel cost savings and the company’s transparent approach to pricing meant there were no hidden costs which was much appreciated.

Knowing that Marlowe Fire & Security Group is looking to continue its expansion, Silvey Fleet also made provision for incorporating any new drivers and vehicles and provide additional fuel cards as and when required.

What do you value most?

A tailored monthly spreadsheet is provided to Marlowe Fire & Security Group allowing them to track fuel expenditure and identify any areas of concern or opportunities for further savings. With regards to compliance, Silvey Fleet manages annual driver licence checks, including for any new drivers, which significantly reduces time spent on administration.

Fuel expenditure constitutes a massive area of the company’s running costs, paying on average 5p less than pump prices for fuel has significantly reduced their overhead costs.

“We were initially focused on cost savings and centralised reporting but in addition Silvey Fleet has really helped with new acquisitions and transitioning brands to our group policy as seamlessly as possible.”

Robbie Birchall - Strategic Assistant to the CEO
Marlowe Fire and Security Group

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